A Specialist of Sound Absorption Material
A Specialist of Sound Absorption Material MYCOTEX
A Specialist of SoundAbsorption Material
Perforated plate
Micro-perforated sheet
Special embossed perforated plate
Embossing checkered plate
Expanded metal
Parking lot, Warehouse flooring material
Functional metallic material produced with patented, cutting-edge micro-hole technology.
Mycotex ceiling material
Metallic non-combustible ceiling material
Wall finishing material
Sungwon Hitech endeavors ceaselessly to maintain our product qualitybased on our production technology.
How to visitSungwon Hitech.
Feel free to contact usfor a quote.
Add. 33, Sinhosandan 3-ro 87beon-gil, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of KoreaTel. +82-51-832-6677 | Fax. +82-51-832-6681 | Email. sungwon234@naver.com
Add. 501 Yangwon Building, 119, Hoguk-ro 790beon-gil, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of KoreaTel. +82-2-473-0606 | Fax. +82-2-485-5432
Add. 124, 224 / 123, 223, 119dong ,41 BusanT-PLEX, Yutongdanji 1-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Republic of KoreaTel. +82-51-796-3989
Company Name. SUNGWON HITECH CO.,LTD | CEO. Gi in Sung | Business License. 606-86-00762
Consultation for Mycotex
Consultation for Perforated Plates
Copyright © Sungwon Hitech Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.